Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Jacob thinks about an attempted bombing

I am going to talk about the attempted stock exchange bombing in London. The 4 bombers Mohammed Chowdhury, Shah Rahman, Gurukanth Desai and Abdul Miah who were inspired by the well known al-queida terroist organisation pleaded guilty of attempting to place a bomb in the londons stock exchange toilets, bearing in mind that they attempted this in 2010 and they have only now been found not inocent.  This shows that no matter how long you try lying you will always be found out eventually.This event relates to the bible story adam and eve. Adam tried lying that he did'nt take a bite out of the apple that eve tempted him with, in the end god found out and he was punnished. If he didnt lie would his punnishment have been less?

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Hicks says: My, you have been busy. I enjoyed reading about your opinions on news events. I particularly liked the way you all linked your ideas about lying and murder to Biblical stories. One of my favourite stories is that of the friendship between Ruth and Naomi. Some good thinking going on in this lesson.

    Keep smiling.
